Cmd+3 in Mac OS

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Cmd+3 in Mac OS

Post by spottsspot »

Cmd+3 is double-pathed for both groups and for performer labels, but when executed, goes to labels. Can we a different keyboard shortcut for each? I find the group selection tool to be very helpful. Cmd+G (G for groups) perhaps?
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Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:13 pm

Re: Cmd+3 in Mac OS

Post by spottsspot »

Also on the group sidebar, can you change the order to be Select, Create, Edit (better order for frequency of use)?
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Re: Cmd+3 in Mac OS

Post by William »

Hi spottsspot,

Sorry for the delay in replying to this post. Thank you for bringing the cmd-3 issue to my attention, this was clearly an oversight and I will updated to cmd-g as suggested.

The group tool order change is a good suggestion also and will only take a couple of minutes to do so I will also be making that change. You should expect to see both of these fixed in the next version of EnVision, which I expect to be released this week.

Thank you again and have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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