More space on printed chart for Set Notes

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More space on printed chart for Set Notes

Post by bjindrich »

Sometimes I have to trim the notes I add to the Set Notes field because the printed chart 1) seems to only support 5 lines of text; and 2) the Envision logo in the bottom right corner obscures a lot of space. I know I can add Text boxes as an alternative, but ...

Suggestions to address available space at the bottom of the page:

1a) Allow the ability to specify the font used (or at least the font SIZE) for printing the Set Notes on the bottom of the chart. I'd be ok with using a slightly smaller font if it allows squeezing in another line or two.

1b) Make the Envision logo less prominent or have an option to toggle it off. It takes up quite a large amount of space that could otherwise display notes.

Suggestions to address available space at the top of the page (reducing space used at the top of the page could allow for more space at the bottom of the page for notes):

2a) Allow the ability to specify the font used (or at least the font SIZE) for printing the Show Title and Production Name on the top of the chart. A pretty large font size is currently used, and I'd be OK with a much smaller font being used.

2b) Maybe display Drill Writer and Print Date on the same line instead of separate lines

2c) Either a way to shrink the Counts In / Out information displayed in the upper right corner (so it doesn't take up so much vertical space) or an option to toggle on/off the Counts In / Out information
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Re: More space on printed chart for Set Notes

Post by William »

Hi bjindrich,

Thank you for these thoughtful suggestions. There is definitely room for improvement on the chart printout page and you've outlined a lot of them very well here. I will take these suggestions and put them in the backlog, I have been meaning to revamp the printout and the print system anyway. I will note that there is a very small chance that we will remove the EnVision logo completely, but it is reasonable to make it smaller or maybe put it somewhere less intrusive.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: More space on printed chart for Set Notes

Post by efrazier9 »

Hi! Has there been any updates in this space? I love the program - the dot sheets seem to be the most frustration for my clients - it appears to have an overload of information with Cts. In and Cts. Out. A way to toggle off certain columns would be great so that I could customize how much info to share with students on the dot sheets.

Thank you for all your efforts!
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