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Feature Request - Fine Grained Zoom, Arrow Key, Forms

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:22 pm
by narcofis
Fine Grained Zoom - In paper mode

In the paper view mode. It's difficult to adjust the correct zoom you want to. It's because the only zoom you can use that I know off is with the right+click + mouse wheel. The interface is not responsive enough also when trying to move the grid. Not fine enough moves in big blocks.

If you could use maybe the ( + and -) keys next to the for a fine grained zoom and arrow keys.

Arrow Key Movements
In paper mode -> Allows the grid(field/floor) on an X/Y axis to finely move to perfectly adjust the view you want to print.

In 2D Mode -> In performer mode moved the performer(s) selected one step over depending on what gradient you have chosen (1 step or 1/2 step or 1/4 ste, etc). Disconnect from form if performer was attached to one.

In 2D Mode -> Form Mode same as performer mode but for the form.

Path Mode -> Moves to next node or moves node?

In 3D Mode -> Same as 2D.

I find myself want to use the form but not wanting the performer to attached to it. Use them as a guide. As a designer I always like to be precise with forms with either be on or halfway or a quarter step. So I create a form with only 2 performers and use the lines as a guide. It would be great to have a guide tool that doesn't attach performers.

Also a free form(guide) line tool would be a great addition.


Re: Feature Request - Fine Grained Zoom, Arrow Key, Forms

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:02 pm
by box5Nick
Thanks for the suggestions Narcofis!

Many of these are already on our list of things that will be added.

There is indeed a finer grained zoom feature bound to the +/- keys, just hold ctrl. This got me thinking though perhaps ctrl + Mouse-wheel would be nice as well.

As for not placing performers on forms and using them as guides, are you essentially quantizing their drill spots? Meaning every performer must be on something like a 1/4 pace grid? In this case a quantize selection feature might be kind of nice, so you could still create forms, attach performers then just adjust them all at once to the nearest cross section of a 1/4 pace (or what ever you choose) grid.

Re: Feature Request - Fine Grained Zoom, Arrow Key, Forms

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:49 pm
by narcofis

Yes that's correct. I am quantizing the drill spots to the nearest cross section usually in 1/4 pace.
This got me thinking also, I wish you would have the possibility to turn off auto label placement. I basically leave the label centered (x=0, y=0) to the dot (X Mark) but using forms reset the labels to the position! This way I don't have to keep moving the performer labels at all the sets and you can read the label between the X mark. Also if I change the label manually to another direction in a form if I move the form the labels get reset in the form. So I have the tendency to not use forms because it adds work.

The form tool also has a bug were sometimes when you select a player after adjusting a form to just move a player around it adds it to the previous form you were editing. I just thought about it while writing this.

An awesome feature that would make the form tool much more powerful would be to have the ability to select a bunch of players and just select a button or something and it would auto fill to the shortest path to the performer. The current implementation is very hard to get the performer where you want. I can never get the form tool to work correctly for me when selecting multiple players. I always end up placing them one by one. This would be an area needing much attention that could greatly improve the user experience with the software. Fruit for thoughts.

Lastly, Small thing the Grid option (Snap to) is not save in the program configuration, every time you restart envision I have to set the grid spacing to a 1/4.

Thanks for the tip on the zoom.


Re: Feature Request - Fine Grained Zoom, Arrow Key, Forms

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:24 pm
by box5Nick
More great ideas! Much appreciated Narcofis.

We are working on upgrades to the user experience of adding performers to forms. The problem tends to stem from selecting performers in the order you want them in the first place, which could probably use a big refresher tutorial in itself, but we are cooking up some great stuff so stay tuned!

Your other ideas here have been added to our list.