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Differentiate paths for subset

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:18 am
by bjindrich
When displaying paths on a subset, the path from the previous set and the path to the next set are hard to distinguish when moving around an individual performer. It would be helpful to me if there was a way to distinguish the lines that are from the previous set to the current subset from the lines that are from the current subset to the next set. Since colors are now used to indicate longer distances, it seems like color can't be used to differentiate the paths, but maybe line thickness or line type (dotted, dashed, etc.) could be used? Or maybe a small indicator (like an arrow head) on one of lines indicating the direction of movement.

Re: Differentiate paths for subset

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:51 am
by William
Hi bjindrich,

I agree that this should be available. My first thought is to simply color the paths the same way that the next and previous paths are currently colored.