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Turn Performer over "X" counts

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:02 pm
by DunBone
Can't figure out how to turn my performers in place. I'd like them to turn from the away sideline to home sideline over "x" number of counts. Perhaps this is called a "slow-turn" or an "8 count turn" if done in 8 counts.

Re: Turn Performer over "X" counts

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:14 pm
by bis4brass
No problem, easy to do.

Select the performers you want to execute the turn. For this to be stationary turn, you will need to use two sets (or subset). Make sure the performers are in the same dot from (as an example) set 1 to set 2 (or 1A).

Go to the performance detail tool. From there you can change the performers facing by varying degree for each count in the time line.

Hope this helps.

Re: Turn Performer over "X" counts

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:48 am
by William
Hi DunBone,

bis4brass is right in the technique to do what you are asking.

To expand a bit, there is no way to smoothly turn performers over X number of counts so you have to do it the way bis4brass describes. When performers turn it is always instant. What you are asking for is a feature that is on our todo list so you can expect it to come at some point in the future.

Have a great day!

Re: Turn Performer over "X" counts

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:43 pm
by DunBone
Thank you!